What is an NDA?

A non-disclosure agreement (NDA) is a legal contract between two parties or more that outlines confidential material and prevents sensitive material from being shared with others. The NDA is a legally binding contract which helps to protect your idea or any information surrounding your idea giving you the freedom to disclose and share information in confidence with others.

Non Disclosure Agreement Design

It is important to never assume that all conversations with advisors are automatically confidential. If you’re in any doubt whatsoever, its always best to have an NDA to hand. You may encounter situations or circumstances where an NDA is necessary to help you develop your product idea further. There may be times when you may have to approach a bank for a loan, pitch your idea to investors to receive funding or speak with manufacturers to find out the best way to produce your product.

You may want to contact a design consultancy…

Product Design Studio Consultancy

It’s always best practice to have an NDA in place before approaching any third parties to ensure the information disclosed is protected and cannot be shared elsewhere.

Before contacting us about your project you can follow this link to the client area of the site. Simply access the NDA section and fill in all the relevant areas prior to contacting us. This will ensure any information you share with us regarding the project will remain confidential.


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