Product Design Market Research

Market Research

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Identifying areas for opportunity

Competitor Analysis Market Research

Competition is a healthy sign and we encourage it.

If there is good competition it means that there’s a problem which needs solving.

However, how do you stand out from the crowd?

How do you design a product which is going to have a greater reach and resonate with your intended user group?

Our team of skilled experts can help to unlock your products potential and identify areas for opportunity which will set it apart from its competition.

Understanding your target market

Target Market Product Research

Papa Bravo are experts in understanding who your product is for and getting to the nitty gritty of how it is really going to be used.

Understanding the user, their needs and requirements are key to designing a successful product. We research, observe and study a range of different products in a variety of use case scenarios daily.

This enables us to identify and relate with the user allowing us to create a better, fully-considered, user experience.

In some scenarios we may suggest completely different user groups and our findings may highlight an entirely different use case scenario. However, this depends on the type of product and the desired user group you are focusing on.

User-driven focus groups

Focus Group Research

We are a human centred design consultancy. This means that people are at the heart of everything we do.

Through understanding people and observing their behaviours we can create better products which suit their needs perfectly.

We use focus groups as a qualitative research exercise to underpin a groups observations and initial reaction to hands on trials. Collectively the team will hold demonstrations and ask a series of questions to form a detailed understanding of the products relatability and suitability.

This can indicate areas which were not previously thought of and offer different perspectives which can help to influence and shape the overall design.

Medical Enclosure Design
Focus Group Discussion